I’m an experienced and engaging speaker on ‘Women’s Lives on the Homefront during World War Two'. I will arrive at your venue dressed top to toe in authentic 1940s clothing with a basket of artefacts; all I will need is a table and a chair.
Amongst groups I have spoken to are W.I.s, friendship groups, Trefoil Guild, lunch and supper clubs, friendship groups, Stroke clubs, Vintage Festivals and schools. I’m happy to consider any size of audience or venue.
I offer a general one hour talk touching on women’s fashion, rationing, daily life, war work and make do and mend. I can also offer more specific talks, for example:
- Women’s Fashion
- Rationing
- Wartime W.I.
- Women at Work and at War
- Christmas on the Homefront
For schools, I can ‘hot seat’ as an evacuee billeting officer or a munitions worker.
Please get in touch to book or to ask for more information.